Kegiatan Pemetaan
Maps are power. Either you will map or you will be mapped. If you are mapped by those who desire to own or control your land and resources, their map will display their justifications for their claims, not yours
Inkubator Satu Data
A primary goal of arkdata is to preserve history as it unfolds, to be inclusive to the largest number of contributors, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible.
Peta-peta dalam daftar memanfaatkan miniatur sistem satu data. Sebagai inkubator data nasional dan bentuk komitmen untuk membangun serta menjaga integritas hasil riset dan publikasi dalam wadah aliansi, komunikasi data antar jaringan mitra dilakukan secara berkesinambungan. Proses-proses birokrasi kelembagaan dibuat seramping mungkin. Peran mitra disini adalah wali data. Kodifikasi geospasial dalam wadah sistem ARK mengacu pada berbagai rujukan prosedur operasional standar serta referensi keluaran kebijakan-kebijakan lembaga terkait
Sebuah indikator dapat dilihat sebagai bentuk Informasi Geospasial Tematik ( IGT ) yang dihasilkan oleh mitra strategis aliansi. ARK kemudian melakukan proses QA ( Quality Assurance ) melalui kaidah pengolahan data geospasial serta melakukan dokumentasi metadata agar indikator yang dihasilkan dalam bentuk peta-peta tematik dapat digunakan sebagai rujukan proses pengambilan keputusan.

Publikasi Peta
ARK Data Explorer
Ark Data Explorer offers a web-based spatial data service. It provides easy access to a rich collection of unique, authoritative and comprehensive information. The data source includes government statistics, population and economic cencuses, and many others. All data are integrated in a spatial system with many powerful function. Ark Data Explorer is compatible with most web browsers and doesn't require advanced GIS Skills.
Details Run ApplicationSchool Catalog
Katalog Sekolah berisi kompilasi data pendidikan dan sekolah dengan sistem pencarian memanfaatkan arsip basis data internal. Data kemudian diolah secara spasial serta ditampilkan dalam bentuk ringkasan. Tags : Education Resources Guide (in general), Local Intelligence - Analysis, Linkage - Data Matching (Education vs Employment opportunity), School Info, News, etc
Details Run ApplicationKatalog Industri dan Perdagangan
Katalog Industri dan Perdaganganmerupakan kompilasi basis data industri dan perdagangan dan dapat digunakan lebih lanjut untuk perancangan kebijakan strategis yang tepat untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi. Tags : Business Resources Guide, Local Intelligence - Market Analysis, Data Matching, Corporate Linkage, Company Info, News, Registration Reports, FS Score
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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Situation Report
In a global world with hyperconnected international travel and transport, points of entry (PoEs)– airports, ports and ground crossings – can play a key role in the international spread of diseases through travellers, conveyances and goods. The travel and transport sectors are indispensable actors in public health emergency preparedness and response actions related to PoEs. Consider this application as rapid prototyping and PoEs data modelling to get the initial preview of visualisation.
Details Run ApplicationSplash-DSS™
Splash-DSS™ dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu petani untuk memilih alternatif teknologi pengelolaan lahan agar tingkat degradasi yang dihasilkan minimum. Model rekomendasi dikembangkan berdasarkan nilai sensivitas Indeks Bahaya Erosi (IBE) Universal Soil Loss Equation / USLE (Wischmeier and Smith, 1978).
Aplikasi ini ditujukan agar dapat membantu individu, pemerintah atau pemangku kebijakan, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM), peneliti, komunitas, dan seluruh stakeholder terkait untuk mengevaluasi resiko degradasi lahan dalam manajemen dan pengelolaan lahan berkelanjutan.
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Radial Impact Map (Multi-Ring Buffers)
Radial Impact map is a web-based and interactive map tool designed to help user to create multiple dynamic distance buffer (concentric ring/circle pattern) around a point feature. Its analytical report can determine spatial relationship between current buffer and selected exposure data. Exposure represents impact or areas that are being affected by each analytical zone footprint. Application will try to extract the containment: what objects inside each ring, group the data, then summarize the result. Useful to rapidly generates answer for simple questions such as how many properties/people are there or how much land is there being affected in each zoning category.
Details Run ApplicationEarthQuake Tracker
Aplikasi memanfaatkan layanan USGS earthquake feed untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini kejadian gempa termasuk data intensitas guncangan/shakemap secara visual. Pengguna secara cepat dapat menyilangkannya dengan ketersediaan data dalam katalog internal seperti KRB gempa dan tsunami, elevasi, keberadaan infrastruktur, desa/wilayah terdampak beserta situasi demografinya untuk keperluan mitigasi.
Details Run ApplicationSmartGIS for Urban and Regional Planning
Never again being troubled by the flooding of a private sewage system, electricity shortages for a business or industry. Gistaru provides a simple method to match existing condition with correct spatial designation and compatibility with local zoning regulation. It enables users to access Detailed Spatial Urban Plan (RDTR/Rencana Detil Tata Ruang) and other rich supporting data for layering. Users will be able weigh from different aspects : accessibility, public transportation, health and education facility, open space, entertainment, price and legal aspect to get the most suitable site.
Details Run ApplicationSelf Hosted Video Post
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour.